Dear Christian Family,
On the advisement of our Executive Committee of Congregational Council, Star of Bethlehem Lutheran will gather for worship tomorrow at 8 am and 10:45 am. We will also hold our congregational meeting scheduled for 9:15 am.
First, let me state the obvious: if you are not feeling well, if you are at high risk or feel that attending worship will compromise your health and well-being, please do not attend our gathering. There are differing opinions on how best to navigate these unprecedented challenges. It’s faithful and honors God, yourself and neighbor to make the best decisions for yourself and your family to ensure the health and well-being of all. If you do not attend, the readings and prayers of the day are attached to this email.
Our worship practices will change in the following ways:
1. We will not share peace.
2. We will not pass offering plates. Offering plates will be available in the front and back of the chapel and Nave.
3. Communion wine will only be offered in pre-filled wine/grape glasses. Use of the common cup and intinction chalice are suspended at this time.
4. Pastor and communion assistants will wash their hands before and after distributing communion.
Prime Time and Confirmation are not scheduled this week. We will suspend Prime Time, Confirmation, Youth Group and Dinner Church through March 29th.
This is an unprecedented time in our world. Please know that we are trying our best to be faithful to God and to our Christian community. This is a fluid situation. Please look for more decisions to be made about our life together in the coming days and weeks.
St. Paul reminds us in Romans 8, that nothing in the world can separate us from God’s love through Jesus. This is the love that binds us together as the body of Christ whether we’re in church or at home, near or far, in all of our life and into eternity.
My prayers and love are with you all. I’m here as your pastor in person, over the phone or via email. We’re bound to one another by the most powerful force to ever exist--- Jesus and his love. Thank God for that!
May the love and hope of Jesus encourage and sustain you.
Yours in Christ Jesus,
Pastor Jenny